Monday, October 31, 2005

Ladies Encounter

What a joy to see the presence of God on the lives of the women that returned from the Encounter Sunday morning! The Lord really is doing a remarkable work in the earth today and it is a privilege to be a part of it. It is harvest time and souls are in the balance. Jesus said to lift up your eyes unto the fields and see that they are white already to harvest. We must take advantage of every opportunity to share the Good News with people that need to know about Jesus. The testimonies of the ladies were refreshing and faith inspiring. They were full of the Holy Ghost and super excited about the change and transformation that took place in their lives. It's hard to explain but its kinda like putting a filthy car through the car wash. It enters at one end filthy and leaves the other end super clean. That is what happens in these encounters, lives are cleaned up by God's love and grace. Keep up the good work! There truly is joy in serving others!

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Time Change Almost Blooper

Twice a year we enjoy the task of changing our clocks. In the spring we spring ahead one hour and in the fall, yes, we fall back one hour. I really didn't realize how much I depend on my computer for the correct time. After all the time is just down on the bottom right corner for me to easily see. But if the computers date is not correctly set the time will change and catch you by surprize. That's what happened to me today. My computers date was one day ahead. So when I came into the office this morning to work and get things ready for Sunday, I was an hour off. This is where the blooper comes in. I had to perform an Quincenera Ceremony at 2:00pm. A very formal Quincenera at that! I was in my office getting ready to go home to change and come back in time to do the ceremony and according to the computer time I had plenty of time to spare. Then I heard the sound of people out in the sanctuary. Somebodies voice said "Hello?" I peaked out to see the quincenera people ready and I'm not properly dressed! I shot out the door, raced home, threw on my suit, raced back to the church, and all I can say is thank God that we live in the Valley where nothing starts on time, (except Sunday Service). Walking through the door at 2:20 I acted as though it was all planned out, I recieved the notes from the mom about who the sponcers were, and started the program. Deep down in my heart I was embarrassed, how could this happen to me? I've never in 30 years been late for an event like this. Afterwards Earl, the sound man, looked at my computer and there was the problem, the time changed on my computer Friday instead of Saturday putting me one hour late for my appontment. Sometimes things happen that makes us look bad when in our hearts all we want to do is Serve Others to the best of our ability.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Blog, Blog, Blog

I can see that it could be dificult to write something interesting on a daily basis in my blog. I really don't consider myself to be all that interesting, so to find something that folks might like to read is going to be a challenge. This weekend our ladies are having their Encounter God Weekend Retreat. We are expecting a good group of ladies hungry for God to attend. The leaders have been working very hard to prepare and we are anticipating to hear the good report on Sunday about what God has done in their lives. All the work is worth it to see a live changed and blessed. What value can you put on a live that passes from death to life?
Anyway, what's a guy to do while his wife is out of town for a couple of days? Tonight, I have a quincenera practise to go to and tomorrow officiate the ceremony. So that should be fun. I have four dogs at home to keep me busy as well as two cats and "big guy" our miniture Mccaw. So don't feel sorry for me, I'll have a great time with my furry friends.
Just an update on the childrens home, one of our kids went to the hospital for the day. Came to be that he has Malaria. So he is being treated and should be better in a couple of weeks. A few more children will be added next month to our home so we are excited about that.
All I know that one of the greatest experiences is to be able to serve others. Lets practise this and find the joy in serving others.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Our Building Project

Patience, patience and more patience I find is needed when in middle of a building project. I'm frequently frustrated at the seemingly slow pace of the project. I feel sometimes that I can do a better and faster job than some of the professional workers. Our contractor, Pete resassures me everyday that progress is being made. When our project is finished, the students of Destiny Christian Academy will thoroughly enjoy the new class rooms, gym, showers, game room and Texas size roominess. We will have one of the finest campuses in all of South Texas for our community to enjoy. Getting back to my frustration, it might not be spiritual for me to expose these feelings and I know that God is using this project to work in me some character building principles, so bring it on, I can handle it. I know that my frustration will not help the project to be finished any faster, so I'm learning to relax and let it be finished in due season. Please do not pray for me to be more patient. The bible says that tribulation produces patience and beleive me I have all the tribulation that I can presently handle. I was hoping to be using our new facilities by Thanksgiving, well now it looks more like Christmas, or if all goes well maybe Easter is more likely. Patience, patience and more patience.....there truly is Joy in Serving Others.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

India Orphanage Update

I just chatted with Sudheera the Director of the Childrens home in India. So far things are going ok, even though this month has been one for learning and discovering just what is involved in caring for orphans. She told me that a great dificulty is dealing with parents that bring their children to the home and want to leave them to be cared for. One father of seven stopped by the first day and asked if he could leave five kids because he cannot feed them. This is a daily occurance. At this time there are six children with the potential of twelve. The need is much greater but at this time twelve seems to be the all they can handle. The condition of the home is far below "American Standards" but as you can see in these pics, the children are happy to be off the street, to eat three meals a day and have somebody to love and care for them. Every time I chat with Sudheera I can sence the love that she has for these children. Both she, and her family are loving these kids and sharing the love of Christ with them. The home still has many needs. The children sleep on mats, eat their meals on the floor and are waiting the the Lord to provide chairs for them to sit on. Please pray for Sudheera, her family and these children that the Lord will provide for them and show them that there are people in this world that really do find joy in serving others.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Great Job Team!

Just an update on our encounter this weekend. All I can say this that God is faithful! I'm so proud of my team of men that handled the activities this weekend. If you haven't ever attended an encounter weekend it might be dificult for you to really understand the impact that they have on mens lives. One of the greatest miracles for me is to see a mans life change before your eyes. And that is exactly what happened this weekend. Mens lives were changed. I arrived to the encounter facilities early in Sunday morning to share my two teachings and as soon as I saw the men I knew that they had been in the presence of God. All of my team were instumental in this great victory. Thanks Pete, Ronnie, David, Bill, Jaime, Luis, Delton, Abe, Marvin and Doug. You all contributed to this awesome weekend. My team is learning that there is Joy In Serving Others!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Time of Refreshing, Lesin, Switzerland

I have come to learn over the years that true Joy comes through serving others. Rebecca and I had the wonderful privilege of being a part of a team serving Bill and Emogene Kaiser who are the directors of Time of Refreshing. This ministry is to be a blessing to American Missionaries serving in Europe. About 100 missionaries gathered together at the Classic Hotel in Leysin to be refreshed in spirit, soul and body. The Hotel and food is paid for by the generous donations of churches and individuals in the U.S. that want the missionaries to know that they are not forgotten. What a joy to serve these awesome Servants of God. As they arrived to the hotel, we valeted (parked their cars), carried their luggage, prepared special gifts for their rooms. In each conference, rose gifts were given to some attendees. Needless to say, each missionary was greatly blessed. The Word and Worship was awesome as God's presence touched hearts and lives. The testimonies given by several missionaries told the story of how much this ministry is needed and appreciated. Some received strenght to continue their journey, others realized that they are not alone. Others realized that they truely are loved. What a joy it is to serve!

Serving in India

Recently we were able to open a small orphanage in India. What a blessing it is to serve others! I have learned that there are thousands of orphans living on the streets, just surviving day by day the best they can. Pure and undefiled religion is to take care of orphans and widows and to stay unpoluted from the world. The day that the home opened, a father came by and asked our director to take five of his seven kids because he could not feed them any more. He actually knelt down and grabbed her feet as he pleaded with her for help. The need is great!
I am so proud of our congregation as they have cooperated to fund this project. Their passion for others is evident through their generosity. This is Sudheera, she is feeding some street children "lemon rice". Jesus said that there is a reward for the one who offers a glass of water to one thirsty. There truly is joy in serving others.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Proud of my Team

This weekend is our Men's Encounter. We are anticipating a good turnout and most of all wonderful results. Our success though will be the result of my teams preparation and desire to serve the attendees. I'm proud to lead this group of men. They are committed, dedicated men with a desire to serve God and one another. Our success will only come about as a result of our unity. My team have learned how to lay down their agendas, and personal ambitions. The goal of the team is more important and individual goals. This team has the potential to impact our region. My team has learned and practise the priniciple that less is more. Less of them and more of Christ. As a result of prayer, fasting and the goodness of God, mens lives will be changed and transformed this weekend. Marriages will be healed, fathers will return to their place of leadership in the home, hearts will be healed and mended, Jesus will be exalted as he works in their hearts.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

First Blog

This is the beginning of a new journey for me. I hope that this will be a blessing to others. I've asked myself, "why blog?" Good question, I guess the answer would be to be a blessing and inspiration to others. God told Abraham that through him all the families of the earth would be blessed. So we were made for the intent to be a blessing. Go ahead and say it, " I am a blessing and through me all the families of the earth will be blessed. Actually an old friend inspired me to blog. He doesn't even realize that I have been blessed by reading his blogs. So thanks Ron Corzine for being a blessing to me. You see, life has to do much about passing to others the blessings that we have recieved. As we live like this, true contentment will be ours. I will be sharing some spiritual things as well as personal thoughts and desires. I will be posting some pictures of our missionary journies around the world. Hopefully you too will be inspired to find the Joy in Serving Others.